Waste-Cover Daily Landfill Cover
Fire. Odor. Regulations. We’ve got them all covered.

Waste-Cover is an alternate daily landfill cover manufactured from recycled paper and wood, polymers, enzyme complex, biological stimulants, and other proprietary ingredients. Waste-Cover helps breakdown the garbage faster and helps alleviate odors. All ingredients are not-toxic and biodegradable. Lend Mother Nature a helping hand, make your landfill more efficient by using Waste-Cover.
Waste-Cover, has been approved for use as a routine Alternative Daily Cover to be applied over exposed compacted waste material at the end of each working day to minimize vector breeding and animal attraction, control leachate and erosion, reduce fire hazard potential, minimize blowing litter, reduce noxious odors, and provide an overall aesthetic appearance to the landfill.
Waste-Cover is more than just a cosmetic cover. The breakdown of organic materials is advanced through the stimulation of the microbial activity already present in the landfill materials. The odor control materials have been added to combat the inherent problem of "smell" existing in most landfills. These smells come from the never-ending process of the breakdown of the organic materials within the cell confines. All ingredients are not-toxic and biodegradable. Lend Mother Nature a helping hand, make your landfill more efficient by using Waste-Cover.
Saving Airspace
The life of any landfill depends on the remaining permitted available airspace. Each cubic yard of dirt that is used for daily cover results in a permanent loss of revenue on space that can not be sold. Spray on slurries do not consume airspace and it meets or exceeds all of the performance criteria for Alternative Daily Cover material as required by the Standard Guide for Evaluation and Selection of Alternative Daily Cover (ADC's) for Sanitary Landfills (D-6523).

Landfill airspace is a valuable resource. It is essentially the only thing a landfill has to sell. In fact, you may think of your landfill as WASTE-MART; selling airspace to safely store solid waste. The value of your air-space is very critical to the landfill business. Several factors affect that value. They include:
- Type of Waste
- Compact Density
- Tipping Fee
- Compaction of Active Site
Product Information